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AWS D8.8M pdf free download

AWS D8.8M pdf free download.Automotive Weld Quality- Arc Welding of Steel.
3. Terms and Definitions
All of the terms in this clause are used in various parts of this document and require definition for correct interpretation of the instructions. The terms used in this specification shall he interpreted in accordance with the definitions given in the latest edition of AWS A3.OM/A3.O. Stunk,rd Weldini Ternis und Definitions !ncludini Ternis for Adhesive Bondini. Bra:ing. Sokiering. Thernud Curling, and Thermal Spraying. Some of the terms are listed in AWS A3.OM!A3.O but their definitions have been enhanced to clarify their use in this document. For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply:
hurn4hrough. A case of excessive melt-through in which the weld pool cannot be supported resulting in a hole through the base metals joined.
effective weld length. The portion of a weld meeting all the minimum acceptance requirements of the specification. In a curbed weld, the length is measured longitudinally along the axis.
gap. The distance between two base components of the joint to be welded (see Figure 1). VOTE: This distance is typicullv referred to us the root openinç in ?u)naulonlorive upplicunons.
hybrid welding. Combination of two or more welding processes applied and controlled simultaneously. signated by HW-XXX/XXX with the dominant process listed first (e.g.. HW-LBW/GMAW).
meltback. This occurs where the base metal melts back from the edge. but does not become part of the weld. This condition leaves a void between the weld deposit and the base metal (see Figure 2).
notching. A weld heat related burn back of material at the end of the joint resulting in a notch (see Figure 3).
OEM. Original Equipment Manufacturer: one producing a product from components which may or may not be bought from other manufacturers.
4. General Provisions
4.1 Application
4.1.1 This specification provides the minimum acceptable quality requirements for arc and hybrid arc welding of coated and uncoated materials for various types of automotive and light truck components.
4.1.2 The postwcld acceptance requirements contained in this document are mandatory when this specification is referenced on a pr(xluct drawing, or in a contract. A product not conforming to the acceptance criteria contained in this specification shall be reworked, scrapped. or accepted by concession.
4.1.3 Products shipped and not conforming may be rejected by the customer, reworked by the customer, or scrapped.
4.1.4 Any requirements deviating from the limits of this specification shall he designated on the engineering documents.
4.1.5 Should any conflict occur between limits specifled herein and those specified on the engineering documents. the latter have precedence.
4.2 Welding Processes. This specification covers the quality requirements for welds made by the shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), flux cored arc welding (FCAW), plasma arc welding (PAW), gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), and hybrid arc welding processes.
4.2.1 Welding Procedures. Welding procedures list those variables (and their limits) which influence the quality of the weld. The welding process and weld procedures shall be developed and documented to demonstrate the capability to reliably produce welds on production parts over a specified range of variables. information pertaining to welding procedure qualification may be found in AWS B2.11B2.lM Specifscaiioii for Welding Prtxedure and Piifornaiwe Qualificaiion. other AWS application codes, and OEM standards.
4.2.2 Filler Metals. Filler metals shall conform to the requirements of the appropriate AWS filler metal specification. Filler metals used to weld zinc coated steel shall be evaluated for their compatibility with zinc coatings.AWS D8.8M  pdf download.

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