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AWS-D16.3M-D16.3 pdf free download

AWS-D16.3M-D16.3 pdf free download.Risk Assessment Guide for Robotic Arc Welding.
discrete input. An on-off signal from peripheral or welding equipment robotic controller to the robot to indicate the status of the function being monitored.
discrete output. An on-off command from peripheral or welding equipment robotic controller to the welding equipment used to control peripheral components.
effluent. Hazards resulting from by-products of arc welding processes, i.e., smoke, sparks, hot gases, etc.
electric shock. Hazard resulting from excess voltage, current or improper grounding.
emergency stop. The operation of a circuit using hardware based components that overrides all other controls, reduces all mechanisms to a zero energy state, causes the cessation of all mechanical movement and terminates the electrical output of welding power supply.
enabling device. A manually operated device that, when continuously activated, permits motion. Releasing the device shall stop robot motion and motion of associated equipment that may present a hazard.
end-effector. An accessory device or tool specifically designed for attachment to the robot wrist or tool mounting plate to enable the robot to perform its intended task. (Examples may include gripper, spot weld gun, arc weld gun, spray paint gun, or any other application tools.)
envelope (space), maximum. The volume of space encompassing the maximum designed movements of all robot parts including the end-effector, workpiece, and attachments.
envelope (space), restricted. That portion of the maximum envelope to which a robot is restricted by limiting devices. The maximum distance that the robot can travel after the limiting device is actuated delines the boundaries of the restricted envelope (space) of the robot.
ergonomics. Hazards created due to lack of proper ergonomic design of a work station area. The hazard analysis will list tasks among the following three categories of workers:
• Operators—operators are those who load and unload parts, and initiate each automatic cycle of the system.
• Programmers—programmers include the system development engineers and technicians doing the initial work and the weld technicians who maintain the programs that are in production.
discrete input. An on-off signal from peripheral or welding equipment robotic controller to the robot to indicate the status of the function being monitored. discrete output. An on-off command from peripheral or welding equipment robotic controller to the welding equipment used to control peripheral components. effluent. Hazards resulting from by-products of arc welding processes, i.e., smoke, sparks, hot gases, etc. electric shock. Hazard resulting from excess voltage, current or improper grounding. emergency stop. The operation of a circuit using hard- ware based components that overrides all other con- trols, reduces all mechanisms to a zero energy state, causes the cessation of all mechanical movement and terminates the electrical output of welding power supply. enabling device. A manually operated device that, when continuously activated, permits motion. Releasing the device shall stop robot motion and motion of associ- ated equipment that may present a hazard.interlock switch. An electrical or mechanical means by which operation of a component is prevented or main- tained unless required conditions are met. light curtain. A non-contact perimeter barrier device which will send a signal to the system controller if an object penetrates or interrupts the plane of the perimeter. limiting device. A device that restricts the max imum envelope (space) by stopping or causing to stop all robot motion and which is independent of the control program and the application programs. maintenance. The act of keeping the robots and robot systems in their proper operating condition. maintenance support personnel. Maintenance Support Personnel include the skilled craftsmen and the tech- nicians who install the equipment and troubleshoot/ repair the systems while in production.AWS-D16.3M-D16.3  pdf download.

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