Home>AWS standards pdf>AWS-D1 1-D1 1M pdf free download

AWS-D1 1-D1 1M pdf free download

AWS-D1.1-D1.1M pdf free download.Structural Welding Code- Steel.
7. Stud Welding. This section contains the requirement for the welding of studs to structural steel.
8. Strengthening and Repair of Existing Structures. This section contains basic information pertinent to the welded modification or repair of existing steel structures.
1.2 Limitations
The code is not intended to be used for the following:
(1) Steels with a minimum specified yield strength greater than 100 ksi 1690 MPaI
(2) Steels less than 1/8 in. 13 mmj thick. When base metals thinner than 1/8 in. 13 mm] thick are to be welded, the requirements of AWS Dl .3, Structural Welding Code—Sheet Steel, should apply. When used in conjunction with AWS D1.3, conformance with the applicable provisions of this code shall be required.
(3) Pressure vessels or pressure piping
(4) Base metals other than carbon or low-alloy steels. AWS D 1.6, Structural Welding code—Swinless Steel, should be used for welding stainless steel structures. Whenever contract documents specify AWS D1.l for welding stainless steel, the requirements of AWS Dl .6 should apply.
1.3 Definitions
The welding terms used in this code shall be interpreted in conformance with the definitions given in the latest edition of AWS A3.0. Standard Welding Terms and Definitions, supplemented by Annex K of this code and the following definitions:
1.3.1 Engineer. bEngineerti shall be defined as a duly designated individual who acts for, and in behalf of. the Owner on all matters within the scope of the code.
1.3.2 Contractor. “Contractor” shall be defined as any company, or that individual representing a company.
responsible for the fabrication, erection, manufacturing, or welding, in conformance with the provisions of this code. 1.3.3 Inspectors Contractor’s Inspector. “Contractor’s Inspector” shall be defined as the duly designated person who acts for, and in behalf of, the Contractor on all inspection and quality matters within the scope of the code and of the contract documents. Verification Inspector. “Verification Inspceto?’ shall be defined as the duly designated person who acts for, and in behalf of. (he Owner or Engineer on all inspection and quality matters specified by the Engineer. Inspector(s) (unmodified). When the term ‘inspector” is used without further qualification as the specific Inspector category described above, it applies equally to the Contractor’s Inspector and the Verification Inspector within the limits of resjxnsihility described in
1.3.4 OEM (Original Equipment Nianufacturer). “OEM” shall be defined as that single Contractor that assumes some or all of the responsibilities assigned by this code to the Engineer.
1.3.5 Owner. “Owner” shall be defined as the individual or company that exercises legal ownership of the product or structural assembly produced under this code.
1.3.6 Code Terms ShalI,”“Should,” and “May.”“Shall,”“should,” and “may” have the following significance: Shall. Code provisions that use “shall” are mandatory unless specifically modified in contract documents by the Engineer. Should. The word ‘should” is used to recommend practices that are considered beneficial, but arc not req ii ircments. May. The word “may” in a provision allows the use of optional procedures or practices that can be used as an alternative or supplement to code requirements. Those optional procedures that require the Engineer’s approval shall either he specified in the contract documents, or require the Engineer’s approval. The Contractor may use any option without the Engineer’s approval when the code does not specify that the Engineer’s approval shall be required.AWS-D1.1-D1.1M  pdf download.

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