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AWS C3.2M-C3.2 pdf free download

AWS C3.2M-C3.2 pdf free download.Standard Method for Evaluating the Strength of Brazed Joints.
4. Test Specimen and Procedures for the Testing of Single-Lap Joints in Shear 4.1 Test Description. The mechanical performance of a brazed joint is determined by the integration of the braz- ing filler metal, the base metal, the geometry of the brazement, and the brazing procedure. Moreover, the properties of the base metal may be sensitive to the pro- cess parameters and joint overlap. As the overlap is increased, the failure location shifts from failure in the brazed joint to failure in the base metal. Joints made with an overlap greater than this transition value will behave as being stronger than the materials being joined together. Material thicknesses, T, other than 3.0 mm [0.125 in] may be used for test specimens provided that overlaps are adjusted accordingly. 4.2 Specimen Preparation 4.2.1 A base metal sheet nominally 3.0 mm [0.125 in] thick should be used. 4.2.2 For each set of conditions and process variables, four samples at each overlap distance should be brazed and tested. The overlap distances presented in Table I are suggested. If necessary, the 0.50T, 1.00T, and 3.00T specimens are brazed and tested first. Then, the overlap distance required in the rest ol the tesi specimens is deternirned by examining the location ol lailure in ihne firr tin-ce.
4.23 All sIwcirnens shall be prepared as uniformly and as accuntcly as possible.
42.3.1 Speiineii blanks 11w brazing shall nominally be 130mm x 30mm 151) in x l.2!M) inj rectangles. They shall be of’ the same material as the accembliec they represent. both in alloy and in surface condition. Specimen blanks shall be prepared as shown in Figure I. I bEes are optional arid may he added diirin machining to linal c0n14!ur;LLiOm.
4f243e3 The laying surfaces shall he prepured for brazing by a procedure suitable to the test blank material and %irniIar 10 that to 1w wed for the protkwlion parts. This may indudc but is not limited to grit blasting1 etching ;ihriding plciing. or solvent cleaning of the ur1aces to be jotned see Figure 1. Su ace 5). Nonmetallic pit such as glass 1wads. sand. or alumina .shcwld not he used because embedded particles can adversely affect wet tab il ity.
423.4 When a Ilux is used, the tiux dassifIcatiun from AWS A5.3 1 cpecflcaiion for FIvne.c for Brrzzin’
and Bray WrIffizg. or other de script Re i nicbrmzlt km.
including the lot or hatch number, shall he included on the test data siwets. When a protective atmosphere is used. it likewise should he speciFied on the data sheet along with (he de point or vacuum preswre (see Figure 4). The conhguratian and recommended tolerances for the assembly of the shear test specimen prior to hraiing are shown in Figure 2. The specimen may he as’embled by tack welding using a suitable eIditig method. or it may be held by a suitable fixture during hru.’ing. The joint clearance should be the opdmum weorumeniied for the hrazin filler metal heinz tested unless the objectke of the lest is to deiemiinc the effect of clearance or other vanalioim on joint strentlL ‘l’hc hrusing filler metal ntrnuf&[urer shuuld be ccrnsulted for the clearance of a 9wciItc brazing 1111cr metal.AWS C3.2M-C3.2 pdf download.

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