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AWS C2.21M/C2.21 pdf free download

AWS C2.21M/C2.21 pdf free download.Thermal Spray Equipment Performance Verification.
2. Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute mandatory provisions of this AWS standard. For undated references. (he latest edition of the referenced standard shall apply. For dated references. subsequent amendments to. or revisions of. any of these publications do not apply.
American Welding Society (AWS) standards:’
AWS A3.0. Sta,idard Welding Terms and Definitions; including Terms for Adhesii’e Bonding, Bracing, Soldering, The rmcil Cuning. and Thermal Spraying
3. Terms and Definitions
AWS A3.OM/A3.O. Standard Welding Terms and Definitions, provides the basis for terminology used herein. However, the following terms and definitions are included to accommodate usage specific to this document.
acceptance criteria. The standards a product or process must meet to successfully complete a test phase or to mccl delivery rcquiremcnts.
accuracy. The agreement between a measurement and the true or correct value.
adjustment. Setting or correcting the measured output of a device or system.
calibration. A documented process used to determine, under specified conditions, the performance parameters of a device or system by comparison to standards. Calibration may involve adjustment to assure results are produced. which meet or exceed some defined criteria with a specified degree of confidence.
calibration record. A calibration may be expressed by a calibration certificate, calibration curve, calibration diagram. calibration function, calibration table, deviation chart, or statement. In some cases, it may consist of an additive or multiplicative correction of the indication with associated measurement uncertainty.
certification. A documented statement, by authorized and qualified individuals, that an equipment/system validation. revalidation, qualification, re-qualification, or calibration has been perftrmcd appropriately with acceptable results.
inspector. The individual or company who executes some or all of the thermal spray equipment performance venlicalion specified by the User in accordance with this standard.
performance test. See calibration.
performance verification. Evaluation of an equipment. system. or process to ensure it will produce reliable and reproducible results when operated within a specified, predetermined set of parameters under normal production conditions.
precision. Thc minimum discernible change in the parameter being measured.
process gas. A gas or combination of gases, used to create combustion or a plasma. convey fecdstock into the thermal spray gun. or propel the thermal spray fcedstock from the thermal spray gun towards the substrate.
qualification. The characteristics or abilities gained through education, training, and/or experience, as measured against established requirements, such as standards or tests that qualify a person to perform a required function.
standard temperature and pressure(STP).A specific value of temperature and pressure established to permit comparison of dilTereni sets of data. The STP values typically vary by standards organization and application.
uncertainty. An interval of confidence around a measured value expressing the certainty a measured value will not lie outside the stated interval.
User. The individual or company who specifies the thermal spray equipment performance verification be conducted and who has the authority to order it performed.aIidation. Substantiation by examination and provision of objective evidence that verified processes. methods, and/or procedures are fit for their intended use.
erihcation. Confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled.
4. Performance Verification Procedure
This standard establishes objectives, requirements, and procedures to verify specified thermal spray equipment performance. Appropriate application of this standard allows the User to minimize the risk of undetected equipment problems or variations which may affect its reliability, consistency, or safe use. The principle elements of the performance verification activity are: definition of the scope of work, establishing the timing, execution of the procedure, and documentation of the results.AWS C2.21M/C2.21 pdf download.

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