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AWS C2.19/C2.19M pdf free download

AWS C2.19/C2.19M pdf free download.Application of Thermal Spray Coatings to Machine Elements for OEM and Repair.
3. Terms and Definitions
AWS A3.OM/A3.0, Standard Welding Terms and Definitions. Including Terms fi.r Adhesive Bonding, Brazing, Soldering. Thermal Cutting, and Thermal Spraying, provides the basis for terms and definitions used herein. However, the following terms and definitions are included to accommodate usage specific to this document.
abrasie blasting. A method of cleaning or surface roughening by a forcibly projected stream of abrasive particles.
AW. Arc wire thermal spray process, also known as electric arc spraying or twin wire arc process in this document and the thermal spray community; not to be confused with arc welding by the traditional welding community.
blister. A raised area, often domed shaped. resulting from a loss of adhesion between the coating and the substrate. bond coat. A preliminary (or prime) coat of material that improves adherence of the subsequent thermal spray coating. coating. A nonstandard term when used for thermal spray deposit. (see AWS A3.OMJA3.0)
coating system. One or more thermal spray coatings that are qualified for use singly or in combination. An example of a one-coating system is a stainless steel coating applied for restoration of dimensions. An example of a two-coating system is a nickel-base bond coat and ceramic finish coat for a steam seal.
composite powder. Powder particles that are formed by physically combining two or more materials in intimate contact, so that the end particles function as a unit.
electric arc spraying. A thermal spray process wherein the heat source is an electric arc struck between two consumable electrodes of a coating feedsiock, and compressed gas (usually air) is used to atomize and propel the feedsiock material to the workpiece.
feedstock. Any consumable form of spray material used in application of a coating.
flame spraying. A thermal spray process wherein an oxyfuel gas flame is utilized as the source of heat for melting the coating materials in powder. wire, rod, or cored form. Compressed gas may or may not be used for atomizing and propelling the material to the workpicce.
I’P. Flame powder.
fused thermal spray coating. A self-fluxing spray coating which is subsequently heated to coalescence within itself and with the substrate.
FW. Flame wire.
graduated thermal spray coating. A thermal sprayed coaling composed of mixed materials in successive layers that progiessively change in composition from the constituent material of the substrate to the surface of the sprayed coating.
lIP. High velocity oxygen fuel powder.
ICR. Job control record.
iRS. Job reference standard.
masking. The method of protecting areas adjacent to the surface to he thermally sprayed or blasted to prevent adherence of a coating or surface roughening.
NACE International. National Association of Corrosion Engineers.
plasma spraying. A thermal spray process wherein a non-transferred constricted electric arc-gas mixture (called a plasma) is utilized as the source of heat for melting and propelling the coating material to the workpiece.
powder flanie spraying. A method of flame spraying wherein the material to be sprayed is in powder fonm Purchaser. The organization or company that is responsible for the engineering and contract specilication(s). The term
“owner” may be used in lieu of “Purchaser’.
o’erlap. Distance between centerline of two adjacent spray patterns; also known as “stepover” or “raster”. owner. See Purchaser.
QA. Quality assurance.
QC. Quality control.
raster. A pattern of scanning lines traced by the spray stream of a torch. seal coat. Material applied to infiltrate and close the pores of a spray coating. spalling. The chipping, fragmentation or separation of a thermally sprayed surface.AWS C2.19/C2.19M  pdf download.

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