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AWS A5.5∕A5.5M pdf free download

AWS A5.5∕A5.5M pdf free download.Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding.
8. Retest
If the results of any test fail to meet the requirement, that test shall be repeated twice. The results of both retests shall meet the requirement. Specimens for retest may be taken from the original test assembly or from a new test assembly. For chemical analysis, retest need be only for those specific elements that failed to meet the test requirement. If the results of one or both rctests fail to meet the requirement, the material under test shall be considered as not meeting the requirements of this specification for that classification.
In the event that, during preparation or after completion of any lest, it is clearly determined that prescribed or proper procedures were not followed in preparing the weld test assembly or in conducting the test, the test shall be considered invalid, without regard to whether the test was actually completed. or whether test results met, or failed to meet, the requirement. That test shall he repeated, following proper prescribed procedures. In this case, the requirement for doubling the number of test specimens does not apply.
9. Weld Test Assemblies
9.1 One or more of the following four weld test assemblies are required for classification testing. They are:
(I) The weld pad in Figure 2 for chemical analysis of the weld metal
(2) The groove weld in Figure 3 for mechanical properties and soundness of the weld metal for all classifications except E(X)XXI8M( I)
(3) The fillet weld in Figure 4 for the usability of the electrode
(4) The groove weld in Figure 5, an alternate to (2) above, for mechanical properties and soundness of the weld metal for E(X)XXI8M( 1) electrodes.
The sample for chemical analysis may be taken from the reduced section of the fractured tension test specimen or from a corresponding location (or any location above it) in the weld metal in the groove weld in Figure 3 or 5. thereby avoiding the need to make the weld pad. In case of dispute, the weld pad shall be the referee method.
9.2 Preparation of each weld test assembly shall be as prescribed in 9.3 through 9.5. The base metal for each assembly shall be as required in Table 6 and shall meet the requirements of the ASTM specification shown there or an equivalent specification. Electrodes other than low-hydrogen electrodes shall be tested without conditioning.9 Low-hydrogen electrodes, if they have not been adequately protected against moisture pickup in storage, shall be held at a temperature within the range 500°F to 800°F 1261)0 C to 430° CI for a minimum of one hour prior to testing. Testing of assemblies shall be as prescribed in Clauses 10 through 14.
9.3 Weld Pad. A weld pad shall be prepared as specified in Figure 2, except when one of the alternatives in 9.1 (taking the sample from the broken tension test specimen or from a corresponding location, or any location above it, in the weld metal in the groove weld in Figure 3 or 5) is selected. Base metal of any convenient size, of the type specified in Table 6, shall be used as the base for the weld pad. The surface of the base metal on which the filler metal is deposited shall be clean. The pad shall he welded in the flat position with multiple layers to obtain undiluted weld metal. The preheat temperature shall not he less than 60°F [l5°C1 and the interpass temperature shall not exceed 300°F [150°C]. The slag shall be removed after each pass. The pad may be quenched in water between passes. The dimensions of the completed pad shall be as shown in Figure 2. Testing of this assembly shall be as specified in Clause 10.AWS A5.5∕A5.5M pdf download.

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