Home>AWS standards pdf>AWS A5.4 A5.4M pdf free download

AWS A5.4 A5.4M pdf free download

AWS A5.4 A5.4M pdf free download.Stainless Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding.
3. Classification
3.1 The welding electrodes coveted by this A5.41A5.4M specification are classified using the system that is independent of U.S. Customary Units and the International System of Units (SI), and are classified according to
1. Chemical composition requitements for undiluted weld metal (Table 1)
2. Type of welding current and position of welding (Table 2)
3.2 Materials classified under one classification may be classified under any other classification of this specification provided they meet all the requitements for those classifications, excep that a material may not be classified under mote than one of the following EXXX-l 5, EXXX-16, EXXX-17, or EXXX-26 designations. Table 3 lists a number of examples of such dual class ificatiozi
Note: The test requirements of this scijcotion establish minimwn quality levels shich iU assure suitability of the electrodes kr the usual apjiicazions. The geide apç.anded to this specifcorion deribes the more corn. mon apçiicarioas and suggests resting p-cicedures kr those apçiicarions which srranr tests that are bend those included in this specifcarion.
4. Acceptance
Acceptance6 of the material shall be in accordance with the provisions of AVIS A5.Ol.
by arnxing me AVb s specincation aim classincation designations to the packaging. or the classification to the product, the manufacturer certifies that the product meets the requirements of this specification7
6. Rounding-Off Procedure
For the purposes of determining conformance th this specification. an observed or calculated value shall be rounded to the nearest 1000 psi (1 ksi) for tensile strength for A5.4, or to the nearest 10 MPa for tensile strength for A5.4M. and to the nearest unit in the last right-hand place of figures used in expressing the limiting value for other quantities in accordance with the rounding-off method given in ASTM E 29.
7. Summary of Tests
The tests required for each classification are specified in Table 4. The purpose of these tests is to determine the chemical composition. mechanical properties and soundness of the weld metal, and the usability of the electrodes. The hase metal for the weld test assemblies, the welding and testing procedures to be employed, and the results required are given in Clause 9, Weld Test Ass emblies; Clause 1 0 Chemical Analysis; Clause 11. Radiographic Test Clause 12, Tension Test and Clause 13, Fillet Weld Test.
8. Retest
If the results of any test fail to meet the requirement that test shall be repeated twice. The results of both retests shall meet the requirement For chemical analysis, retest material may be taken from the original test sample or from a new sample. Retest for chemical analysis need be only for those specific elements that failed to meet the test requirement.
1. The weld pad in Figure 1 for chemical analysis of the undiluted weld metal
2. The groove weld in Figure 2 for Tension and Radiographic tests
3. The fillet weld in Figure 3 for usability of the electrode
Opionallv, the sample for chemical analysis may he taken from the reduced section of the fractured tension specimen or from a corresponding location (or any location above it) in the weld metal in the groove weld in Figure 2 or from the weld pad used for ferrite deternnanon (Figure Al), thereby avoiding the need to rmike the weld pad. In the case of dispute. the weld pad of Figure 1 shall he the referee method.
9.2 Preparation of each weld test assembly shall be as prescribed in 9.3, 9.4, and 9.5. Base metal for each assemblv shall conform to the following. or an iivalent
9.2.1 For the chemical analysis pad. the base metal to be used shall be carbon steel alloy steel. or stainless steel of 0.25 percent carbon maximum for all electrode class ifications except E3(L. E3O8LMo, E309L. E3O9LMo. E316L, E31 6LMn. E31 7L, E320L.R. E383, E385, E630. E2209. E2593, E2594. E2595, and E33-31. For chemical anal is of these low-carbon classifications, the base metal shall be steel of 0.03 percent maximum carbon Other steels having a carbon content of 0.25 percent maximum may he used with the further restrictions specified in 10.6.AWS A5.4 A5.4M pdf download.

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