Home>AWS standards pdf>AWS A5.24/A5.24M pdf free download

AWS A5.24/A5.24M pdf free download

AWS A5.24/A5.24M pdf free download.Zirconium and Zirconium-Alloy Welding Electrodes and Rods.
2.2 The following ASTM standard2 is referenced in the mandatory sections of this document:
(1) ASTM I29, Standard Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine (‘onformaiicc’ with Specifications.
2.3 The following ISO standards’ are referenced in the mandatory sections of this document:
(1) Iso 544. Welding consumables—Technical delñ’erv conditions for ielding filler metals—Type of product. dimensions, tolerances, and marking; and
(2) Iso 8(XXX)- I. Quantities and units—Part 1: General.
3. Classification
3.1 The welding materials covered by the AWS A5.24/A5.24M specification are classified using a system that is independent of U.S. Customary Units and the International System of Units (SI). Classification is according to chemical composition as specified in Table I.
3.2 Materials classified under one classification shall not be classified under any other classification of this specification. An electrode or rod may be classified under both A5.24 and A5.24M provided it meets the requirements of both specifications.
3.3 The filler metals classifIed under this specification are intended for gas metal arc welding. gas tungsten arc welding. and plasma arc welding processes. hut that is not to prohibit their use with any other process for which they are found suitable.
4. Acceptance
Acceptance4 of the electrode or rod shall be in accordance with the provisions of AWS A5.OIM/A5.0l (ISO 14344 MOD).
5. Certification
By affixing the AWS specification and classification designations to the packaging, or the classification to the product. the manufacturer certifies that the product meets the requirements of this specification.5
6. Rounding Procedure
For the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements of this standard, the actual lest values obtained shall be subjected to the rounding rules of ASTM E29 or ISO 80(X)O- I. Part I, General. If the measured values arc obtained by equipment calibrated in units other than those of the specified limit, the measured values shall be converted to the units of the specified limit before rounding. If an average value is to be compared to the specified limit, rounding shall be done only after calculating the average. An observed or calculated value shall be rounded to the nearest 1000 psi for tensile strength for A5.24 (to the nearest 10 MPa for tensile strength for A5.24MJ and to the nearest unit in the last right-hand place of tigures used in expressing the limiting values for other quantities. The rounded-off results shall fulfill the requirements for the classification under test.
7. Summary of Tests
7.1 The only test required for classilication 0! a product under this speciticatlon is lull chemical analysis 01 the tiller metal after all thernial and chemical processing or. as permitted in footnote c to Table I, partial chemical analysis of the rod stock or original producer’s melt being used to produce such filler metal together with partial chemical analysis of the finished 1111cr metal when analyzing for interstitial elements, C, 0, H, and N.
8. Retest
lithe results of any test fail to meet the requirement, that test shall be repeated twice. The results of both retests shall meet the requirement. Material for retest may be taken from the original sample or from a new sample. Retest need be only for those specific elements that failed to meet the test requirement. If the results of one or both retests fail to meet the requirement, the materials under test shall be considered as not meeting the requirements of this specification.
In the event that, during preparation or after completion of any test, it is clearly determined that prescribed or proper procedures were not followed in preparing the test specimens or in conducting the test, the test shall be considered invalid, without regard to whether the test was actually completed, or whether test results met, or failed o mccl, the requirement. That test shall be repeated, following proper prescribed procedures. In this case, the requirement for doubling the number of test specimens does not apply.AWS A5.24/A5.24M  pdf download.

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