Home>AWS standards pdf>AWS A5.23/A5.23M pdf free download

AWS A5.23/A5.23M pdf free download

AWS A5.23/A5.23M pdf free download.Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding.
(2) The condition of heat treatment in which the properties are obtained, as specified in 9.4 or 9.5. as applicable (and as shown in Figure 1 M or 2M, as applicable).
(3) For multiple pass classifications, the chemical composition of the weld metal obtained with the combination of a particular flux and a particular classification of electrode as specified in Table 3. Two-run classifications have no requirement for weld metal composition under this specification (see Figure IM or 2M, as applicable).
(4) The chemical composition of either the electrode (for solid electrodes) as specified in Table 4 or the weld metal produced with a particular flux (for composite electrodes) as specified in Table 3.
3.2 Flux—electrode combinations may be classified under A5.23 with U.S. Customary Units, under A5.23M using the
International System of Units (SI), or both. Flux—electrode combinations classified under both A5.23 and A5.23M must
meet all requirements for classification under each system. The classification systems are shown in Figures I and I M
(multiple pass) and in Figures 2 and 2M (iwo-run).
3.3 The electrodes and fluxes classified under this specification are intended for submerged arc welding. hut that is not to prohibit their use with any other process for which they are found suitable.
4. Acceptance
Acceptance5 of the electrodes and fluxes shall be in accordance with the provisions of AWS A5.Ol or the tests and requirements of this specification.
5. Certification
By affixing the AWS specification and classification designations to the packaging or the classification to the product. the manufacturer certifies that the product meets the requirements of this specification6
6. Rounding-Off Procedure
For purposes of determining compliance with the requirements of this standard, the actual lest values obtained shall be subjected to the rounding-off rules of ASTM E 29 or ISO 80000-1, Part I: Genercil (the results are the same). ff1/ic inea— sured values are obtained by equipment calibrated in units oilier i/ian those of the specified limit, the measured values shall he converted to the units of the specified liii, it before rounding off If an average value is to he compared to the specified limit, rounding off shall be done on1’ after calculating the average. An observed or calculated value shall he rounded to the nearest I 000 psi (I ksi)for tensile or ‘kld strength for p15.23 Ito the nearest 10 MPa for tensile or yield strength for A5.23M1 and to (lie nearest unit in the Icist right-hand place offigures used in expressing i/ic lumting values for other quantities. The rounded-off results shall fulfill (lie requirements for (lie classification under test.
7. Summary of Tests
7.1 Electrodes. Chemical analysis of the electrode is the only test required for classification of a solid electrode under this specification. The chemical analysis of the rod stock from which the solid electrode is made may also be used provided the electrode manufacturing process does not alter the chemical composition. For composite electrodes. chemical analysis of the weld metal produced with the composite electrode and a particular flux is required.
7.2 Fluxes. The tests required for each classification are specified in Table 5. The purpose of these tests is to determine the mechanical properties and soundness of the weld metal. The base metal for test assemblies, the preparations of the test samples, the welding and testing procedures to be employcd, and the results required are given in Clauses 9 through 14.AWS A5.23/A5.23M pdf download.

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