Home>AWS standards pdf>AWS A5.17/A5.17M pdf free download

AWS A5.17/A5.17M pdf free download

AWS A5.17/A5.17M pdf free download.Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding.
3.2 Fluxes may he classilied under any number of classifications: for weld metal iii either or both the as—welded and post Weld heat treated conditions. for weld iiietal deposited using difireIn electrode classifications, or any combination thereof. Flux—electrode combinations may he classified under \5. I 7 with LS. Customary Units, under A5. I 7M using the l,iiernational Ssiein of Units SI ). or both. llux—electrode combinations classified under both A5. I 7 and A5. I 7M must med all ot the requirements fr classitication tinder each system. The classification systems are shown in Fiures I and IM.
3.3 lime electrodes amid fluxes classified under this specification arc intended for subntergcd are welding. hut may he used with an other process lr which they are found sLiitahle.
-1. Acceptance
Acceptance ot the electrodes and fluxes shall he in accordance with the provisions of A\VS A5.() I M/A5.() I . or the tests and requirements of this specification. See A3 (in Annex A ) for further infonnat ion concerning acceptance. esting of the material shipped. and AWS A5.() I MIA5.() I
5. Certification
By atliximig the AWS specification and classification desigmiatioiis to the packaging or the classification to the product. the manufacwrer certifies that the product meets the requirements of this specification. See A4 ( in Annex A) fur further in formualion concerning certification and the lest ing cal led for to meet this requirement.
6. Rounding Procedure
For purpose of determining compliance with the requirements of this standard, the actual test values obtained shall he subjected to the rounding rules of ASTN1 F29 or Rule A in Clause 11.3 of ISO 50000- I (the resLilts are the same). If the measured values are obtained by eLltIipIiieflt L’alihl’atc(I iii tinits other than those of’ the specified Ii mit. the IlleasLired ‘al— ties shall he converted to the units of’ the specified limit hefure rounding. Ii an a erage value is to he compared to the specified liiiiit, rounding shall he done only alter calculating the average. An observed or calculawd aluc shall he rounded to the nearest 10(H) psi ( I ksi ) for tensile and ield strength for A5. I 7. to the nearest I () \I Pa for tensile amid sield stm’engtli for A5. I 7N1 and to the mieam’est unit in the last right—hand place of figures used iii expressing the I uniting values for other (Iualltities. The rounded results shall fulfil the requirements for the classification under test,
7. Sum mary of’ r1ests
7.1 (‘hemical anal sis of the electrode is the only test required fur classification of a solid electrode under this specification. The chemical analysis of the rod stock from hich the solid electrode is made may also he used proided the electrode manufacturing process does not altem’ the chemical composition. For composite electrodes, chemical analysis ot’ the weld metal pm’odticed with the composite electrode and a particular flux is required.
7.2 The tests required ku each flux—electrode classification are specified in EthIc 3. The purpose of these tests is to determine the mechanical properties and soumidness of the weld metal. The base metal for test assemblies, preparation of the tests samples. the welding amid testing procedtmrcs to he employed. and the results required are gicn in Clauses L) throtigh 14.
AWS A5.17/A5.17M pdf download.

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