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AWS A5.02∕A5.02M pdf free download

AWS A5.02∕A5.02M pdf free download.Filler Metal Standard Sizes. Packaging, and Physical Attributes.
3.4.2 Thc numhcrs and letters of the imprint shall be of bold block type of a size large enough to be legible.
3.4.3 The ink used for imprinting shall provide sufficient contrast with the electrode covering so that, in normal use, the numbers and letters are legible both before and after welding.
3.4.4 When an electrode is classified as meeting the requirements of A5.X and A5.XM. both electrode designations shall he applied.
3.4.5 If allowed by the specific A5 specification. in lieu of imprinting, electrodes may be identified by:
I. Attaching securely to the bare grip end of each electrode a tag bearing the classification number, or
2. Embossing the classification number on the bare grip end of each electrode. In this case a slight flattening of the grip end will he permitted in the area of the embossing.
3.5 Packaging
3.5.1 Electrodes shall he suitably packaged to protect them from damage during shipment and storage under normal conditions.
3.5.2 Standard package weights shall be as agreed upon between purchaser and supplier.
3.5.3 Hermetically Sealed Containers. When specified for one or more classifications, such as low hydrogen types requiring protection against atmospheric moisture absorption during shipment and storage, electrodes shall be packaged in one of the following manners. Rigid Metal Package. The container may he of either steel or aluminum. Each steel container shall have its sides lock-seamed and soldered or seam welded and the top and bottom mechanically seamed containing a suitable organic sealant. Aluminum containers shall be tubes formed in two sections. one flared slightly for a friction lit and the closure seam shall be sealed with a suitable pressure sensitive tape. Metal containers after loading at ambient pressure and sealing shall be capable of passing the leak test as follows:
Unit containers shall be immersed in water that is at a temperature of at least 50°F 1l0°CI above that of the packaged material (room temperature). The container shall be immersed so that the surface under observation is I in 125 mmj below the water surface and the greatest basic dimension of the container is parallel to the surface of the water. A leaker is indicated by a steady stream of air bubbles emanating from the container. A container with a stream that lasts for 30 seconds or more does not meet the requirements of this specification. Vacuum Package. High density plastic pouches laminated with a suitable foil vapor harrier shall be heat sealed after filling and evacuating. The pouches shall he overpacked with an outer container to protect it from damage that will cause loss of vacuum. Packages which show the contents to he loose within the pouch do not meet the requirements of this specification. Other Package Construction As agreed upon between purchaser and supplier, alternate packaging for protection of electrode coverings from absorption of moisture in excess of that specified by the classification shall be demonstrated by suitable tests, such as those described above.AWS A5.02∕A5.02M pdf download.

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