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AATCC 66 pdf free download

AATCC 66 pdf free download.Wrinkle Recovery of Woven Fabrics: Recovery Angle.
9.2.1 Using tweezers, place a specimen between the leaves of the metal holder with one end aligned under the 18 mm mark. With the tweezers, lift the free end of the specimen up and over to the 18 mm mark taking care to loop back rather than flatten the specimen. Hold the edge of the specimen firmly in place with a thumbnail. 9.2.2 Still holding the specimen end with a thumbnail, open the jaws of a plas- tic press with the other hand. Insert the holder with the specimen between the long and short jaws, releasing the thumb- nail when bringing the end edge of the long jaw into contact with the specimen. The 18 mm mark on the metal holder, the unfolded end of the specimen, and the end edge of the plastic press are to be aligned before releasing the specimen. A fold should be formed 1 .5 mm from the end of the short metal leaf. The plastic press should be in firm contact with the folded specimen but should not be squeezed. 9.2.3 Invert the press-holder combina- tion on a flat surface with the small plat- form up. Gently apply a weight to the platform. Start a timing device. Repeat steps 9.2.1 through 9.2.3 for a second specimen after 60土2 s has lapsed. After 60土2 additional s, repeat all steps for the third specimen. Align the holder with the front edge of the clip mount shelf. The speci- men fold should line up with the spot at the center of the recorder disk leaving the free hanging leg of the specimen aligned with the vertical guide line on the scale. Take special care to not touch, blow on or jam the specimen against the face of the recorder. Perform all operations as rap- idly as possible. Repeat steps 9.2.4 and for the second specimen, starting 60土2 s after the weight is removed from the first specimen. Repeat all steps for the third specimen, 60土2 s after the weight was removed from the second specimen. To eliminate gravitational ef- fects, keep the free hanging leg of the specimen aligned with the recorder ‘s ver- tical guide line during the 5 min士5 s recovery period. Adjust every 15土1 s for the first minute, and once a minute there- after during the remaining recovery period. Make the final adjustment 15土1 s before the 5 min土5 S recovery period ends. A procedure to run continuous specimen testing is given in 13.6. 9.2.5 Read and record the recovery angle from the scale 5 min土5 s after inserting a specimen into the clip mount on the recorder. If the free end of a specimen twists, sight a vertical plane through its center and align it with the vertical mark on the recorder scale. Read and record the recovery angle for each specimen after it has been inserted in the clip mount for5 min士5 s.12.1 Precision. 12.1.1 In 1996, a single laboratory study was run comparing Option 1 to Op- tion 2. Five face-to-face determinations were made for warp and filling speci- mens for six fabrics. The study showed either option to give similar and satisfac- tory test results. 12.1.2 Using this study as a basis, a provisional within-laboratory precision statement is included for guidance of us- ers of the test method. The range of vari- ance values for the data set was 1 to 58 (degree squared) for warp specimens and 1 to 21 for filling specimens. Users of the method should use standard statistical techniques in making any comparisons of either within-laboratory or between-labo- ratory’ averages.AATCC 66 pdf download.

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