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AATCC 35 pdf free download

AATCC 35 pdf free download.Water Resistance: Rain Test.
7. Procedure
7.1 The test specimen (see 11.5), backed by a 15.2 X 15.2 cm standard paper blotter weighed to the nearest 0.1 g is clamped in the specimen holder and the assembly is mounted in a vertical rigid support frame. The specimen assembly is positioned into the central portion of the spray at a distance of 30.5 cm from the face of the spray nozzle (see 11.6). A horizontal water spray at 27 * 1°C (see 11 .2) is directed against the specimen and is allowed to continue for a period of 5 mm. At the end of the spray period the blotter is carellilly removed and quickly reweighed to the nearest 0. I g.
8.2 In order to obtain a complete overall picture of the penetration resistance of a fabric or fabric combination the average penetration with different pressure heads on the nozzle should be obtained. The pressure head should he varied by 300 mm increments in order to determine (a) the maximum head at which no penetration occurs, (b) the change ieneIration with increasing head and the minimum head required to cause “breakdown” or the penetration of more than 5 g of water. At each pressure head a rniniumum of three specimens should be tested in order to obtain the average penetration for that head.
11. Notes
11.1 The intensities are produced and controlled by means of a column of watel- which may be adjusted to 0.6, 0.9. 1.2, 1.5. 1.8. 2.1 and 2.4 iii above the nozzle. This is done by means of a glass pressure column to which a nozzle is connected. The adjustment is made by a simple setting of a valve at the lower end of the drain or overflow pipe which extends up through the center of the glass column. A filtering device between thc pressure gauge and the glass column may be used to prevent clogging of the nozzle openings. It may be eliminated in localities where the water supply is relatively free from iron rust or other suspended matter. A pressure gauge on the supply line also is an accessory which usually can be eliminated in the interest of economy.
11.2 The temperature of the supply water may be measured by means of a thermometer, hut recent work has shown that it is more conveniently and accurately measured with a thermometer suspended in the glass pressure column or immersed in a beaker placed to catch water from the overflow.
11.3 The AATCC Rain Tester is available from AATCC, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park NC 27709; tel: 9l9549-8l41; fax: 919/ 549-8933; e-m4 ord’’tccg Information relative to principle of instrument may be obtained by reference to original article by Slowinske, GA. and Pope. AG.. American DvesiuffReporter6. 108 (1947).
11.4 Blotters suitable ‘ this test can be obtained from AATCC, P.O. Box 12215. Research Triangle Park NC 27709; tel: 919! 549-8141; fax: 919/549-8933; e-mail: orders@ aatcc .org.
11.5 The test specimen may comprise (a) a single layer of the test fabric, (b) two layers of the test fabric, or (c) a combination of two different fabrics such as the outer fabric of a raincoat and the lining fabric.
11.6 A loose-fitting cap may be placed er the end of the spray nozzle to shut the spray during the mounting or the removal of the specimen holder in the support frame.AATCC 35 pdf download.

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