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AATCC 184 pdf free download

AATCC 184 pdf free download.Dusting Behavior of Dyes: Determination of.
1. Purpose and Scope 1.1 This test method provides a means to assess the dusting behavior of dyes. 2. Principle 2.1 Dust is generated from a dye sam- ple by means of a dust-generating device, extracted from the dust-bearing air by vacuum and conveyed to a detection point, where the amount of dust gener- ated is estimated visually or determined quantitatively by a gravimetric or photo- metric option. 3. Terminology 3.1 dust, n.- fine particles of solid material dispersed in a gas. 4. Safety Precautions NOTE: These safety precautions are for information purposes only. The pre- cautions are ancillary to the testing proce- dures and are not intended to be all inclu- sive. It is the user’s responsibility to use safe and proper techniques in handling materials in this test method. Manufac- turers MUST be consulted for specific details such as material safety data sheets and other manufacturer’s recommenda- tions. All OSHA standards and rules must also be consulted and followed.4.1 Follow good laboratory practices. Wear safety glasses in all laboratory areas. 4.2 An eyewash safety shower should be located nearby and a self-contained breathing apparatus should be readily available for emergency use. 5. Uses and Limitations 5.1 Dyestuff dust is formed during handling operations such as dispensing, transferring, sprinkling, etc. 5.2 The dustiness of dyestuffs is an im- portant characteristic when considering aspects of hygiene, health and safety in the dyestuff consuming industry. It is im- portant, therefore, that a reliable and re- producible method exists to measure this property. 5.3 Although other methods of dust measurements exist, the method given in this test procedure is both more representative of and comparable with actual practice when handling dyestuffs. With respect to a comparison of dyestuffs or the reliability limits, it should be under- stood that the resulting value is not a spe- cific value like density. 5.4 Solid dyes are sold in different physical forms (powdered, granulated, etc.). The particle-size distribution of commercial products varies considerably. The mean particle diameter may be less than 50 um or as much as several milli- meters. The range of particle-size distri- bution of a solid dye may also be narrow or wide. 5.5 The particle- size distribution of dyestuff dust is largely independent of the physical form of the dyestuff. Two typi- cal particle-size distributions for dyestuff dust are shown in Fig. 1. 6. Apparatus and Materials 6.1 Balance, accurate to土0.1 g, for weighing the dye. 6.2 Dust-generating device, with filter holder and connecting joints, and incor- porating the following additional compo- nents (see Figs. 2 and 3, and 13.1 and 13.2). 6.2.1 Filter, white, diameter 50士2 mm, capable of trapping the dust quanti- tatively (pore size < 5 μm), for gravimet- ric and photometric options made of cel- lulose acetate nitrate. For the visual option, suitable glass fiber filters can be used.7. Procedure 7.1 Place the filter holder with the filter (see 6.2.1) in the dust generating appara- tus (see 6.2) and close it to give an air- tight fit. If the gravimetric option of as- sessment is used, condition and weigh the filter before insertion into the filter holder. 7.2 Using the balance (see 6.1), care- fully weigh 10.0 士0.1 g of the dye and place it in the hopper at the top of the ap- paratus. Start the timer (see 6.2.5) to open the slide valve with a sudden action, al- lowing the dye to drop down through the tube into the dust chamber below. 7.3 Five seconds after the slide has opened, apply a vacuum to extract the dust from the chamber for collection on the filter (see 6.2.1) under the following conditions: 7.3.1 Air flow rate: 15 L/min. 7.3.2 Extraction time: 120 s (starting 5 s after dye has dropped). 7.3.3 Height of fall: 815士5 mm. 7.4 Using tweezers (see 6.6), carefully remove the dust-laden filter from the holder and evaluate it by one of the op- tions given in Section 8. 7.5 Clean the equipment thoroughly (see 6.5) after each test. If the equipment is wet-cleaned, take particular care that it is dried thoroughly.AATCC 184 pdf download.

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