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AATCC 182 pdf free download

AATCC 182 pdf free download.Relative Color Strength of Dyes in Solution.
1. Purpose and Scope
1.1 This is a test method to determine the color strength of a dye sample relative to a reference dye by means of spcctrophotometric transmittance measurements on solutions of each. It is a comparison of the color strength of the dyes in a chosen solvent which may or may not correspond to strengths when applied to a textile substrate.
1.2 To be valid as a measurement of the relative color strength of a dye lbr a particular textile end-use, additional tests must be performed to demonstrate that the relative strength in solution is equal to the relative strength when applied to the textile substrate (see 5.4).
1.3 The test is often used by dye manufacturers and users because of its speed. repeatability and reproducibility.
2. Principle
2.1 Solutions of the test dye and the reference dye are prepared in known conccntrations and their transmittance values are determined using a spectrophotorneter. The relative color strength for the test dye is then calculated using absorbance and concentration values.
3. Terminology
3.1 absorbance, n.—the logarithm to the base 10 of the reciprocal of transmittance.
NOTE: Absorbance is proportional to the mass of absorbing material in the path length of a spectrophotometer ccli (syn:
absorbance value).
3.2 color strength n. -a measure of the ability of a dye to impart color to other materials.
NOTE: Color strength is evaluated by light absorption in the visible region of the spectrum (see 13.1).
3.3 relative color strength, n.—in spectrophotometric testing of di’es, the percentage of the color strength of a sample relative to that of a reference dye assigned a color strength of 100% (sec
3.4 transmittance. n.—of ligl#. that fraction of the incident light of a given wavelength which is not reflected or absorbed. but passes through a substance.
NOTE: In this test, thc transmittance of the material is measured on a spcctrophotometer, and corrected for that of pure solvent for the same path length.
4. Safety Precautions
NOTE: These safety precautions arc for information purposes only. The precautions are ancillary to the testing procedures and are not intended to be all inclusive. It is the user’s responsibility to usc safe and proper techniques in handling materials in the test method. Manufacturers MUST be consulted for specific details such as material safety data sheets and other manufacturer’s recommendations. All OSIIA standards and rules must also be consulted and followed.
4.1 Good laboratory practices should be followed. Wear safety glasses in all laboratory areas.
4.2 All chemicals should be handled with care.
4.3 Use chemical goggles or face shield, impervious gloves, and an impervious apron during dispersing and mixing of acids, alkalis and organic solvents. Concentrated acids, alkalis and organic solvents should be handled in a well ventilated hood. CAUTiON: Always add acid to water.
4.4 Acetone, methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol are highly volatile liquids and should be stored in the laboratory only in small containers away from heat, open flames and sparks. These chemicals should not be used near an open flame.
4.5 Cellosolve (2-ethoxycthanol) is combustible and may be harmful or fatal if ingested or inhaled. It is also a reproductive hazard and should only be used when absolutely necessary.
4.6 An eyewash/safety shower should be located nearby and an organic vapor respirator and a self contained breathing apparatus should be readily available for emergency use.AATCC 182  pdf download.

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