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AWS C1.1M/C1.1 pdf free download

AWS C1.1M/C1.1 pdf free download.Recommended Practices for Resistance Welding.
2. Normative References
The documents listed below are referenced within this publication and are mandatory to the extent specified herein. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced standard shall apply. For dated retrences, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply.
AWS standardc
AWS A3.OM’A3.O, Siundard Uelding Ternix and De’flnilions Including TernisforAdht’sive Bonding. Brazing. Soldering.
Thermal Cutting. and Thermal Spraying
ANSI 149,1, Safety in 1$Wding. Culling, and Allied ProcL’.sse.c.
3. Terms and Definitions
AWS A3.OM/A3.O. Standard Welding Term.c and Definitions Including Terms for .4dhe.siw Bonding. Brazing. Soldering. Thermal Cutting, and Thermal Spraying, provides the basis for terms and definitions used herein. Ilowcver, the following terms and definitions are included below to accommodate usage specific to this document.
advanced high-strength steels (AIISS). A class of steels including dual phasc(DP) and transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steels. AIISS grades have a minimum tensile strength of 500 MPa (72 ksij and possess high ductility compared to HSLA steels of similar strength. The properties of these steels are achieved through the addition of alloying elements and control of microsiructure.
bake hardcnahle steel. Low-carbon steel having the capability of being strengthened during a subsequent paint baking process.
coated steels. These steels have a metallic, inorganic, or organic coating applied for corrosion protection. decoration, or other application consideration such as lubricity or conductivity. Virtually all coating will have an influence on the rcsistancc welding process.
dent-resistant steel. A general term for low-carbon steels having higher resistance to plastic deformation than the standard cold-rolled, low yield, and low-carbon steels. It encompasses HSLA, bake hardcnahlc, and dual-phase steels.
high-strength los-alIo (HSLA) steel. A general term for low-alloyed steel having yield strength higher than typical 350 MPa (50 ksij yield strength low-carbon steels. It can be furnished as either a hot- or cold-rolled product.
high-strength steels (HSS). A general term for steels with minimum tensile strength greater than 350 MPa [50 ksiI.
interstitial-free (I-F) steels. A group of steels having very low levels of interstitial elements. Carbon and nitrogen are generally limited to 0.005°o maximum. These steels have excellent formability and arc widely used in the automotive and appliance industries.
minimum sseld spacing. The center-to-center distance between adjacent welds beyond which no increase in welding current is necessary to compensate for current shunting effects.
minimum contact oserhip. The minimum distance to contain a weld with respect to the edge of the material to be joined.
mushrooming. The deformation or bulging of an electrode at the contact surface with the workpiccc. as a result of the various actions during the weld.
sscld discrepancy. A weld condition deviating from the applicable standard, specification, or engineering drawing. ss eld lobe. The current, time, and force ranges which provide acceptable welds.
4.1.2 Surface Conditions. Prior to welding, the workpiece surface should be free of contaminants which might adversely ffect the weld quality. Surface contaminants and organic coatings can adversely ffct the chemical composition and quality of the weld. Rust has an adverse effect on weld quality. The presence of rust on steel surface increases surface resistance during weld- ing and can lead to expulsion of weld metal due to high heat development. Uncoated steel is typically classified as either hot-rolled or cold- rolled. The hot-rolled product is supplied in two condi- tions, hot-rolled, or pickled, and oiled. Hot-rolled steel sheet develops a tenacious mill scale which has a very high con- tact resistance. Cold-rolled and hot-rolled, pickled, and oiled steel sheets do not exhibit mill scale because the mill scale is removed during the material processing. Low-carbon and HSLA steel sheets are typically supplied in both the hot- rolled, pickled, and oiled, and cold-rolled conditions. Materials in these conditions are weldable as long as surface con- taminants are minimized.AWS C1.1M/C1.1 pdf download.

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