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AATCC 20 pdf free download

AATCC 20 pdf free download.Fiber Analysis: Qualitative.
2. Use and Limitations
2.1 This test method describes a number of procedures—microscopical examination, solubility in solvents, melting point, refractive index, and micro-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy– which should be used in combination to identify a fiber type. For identifying certain fibers some procedures will be found to be more effective than others.
2.2 For example, microscopical examination is particularly useful in characterizing the natural fibers. It must be used with caution on man-made fibers since they are frequently produced in a number of modifications which alter the longitudinal or cross-sectional appearance. In addition, man-made fibers may contain some or no delusterant or other additive particles. Filaments of a given type may vaiy in size or cross-sectional shape. Individual filaments may have two or more component sections of the same or different generic types.
2.3 Even natural fibers show a fiuirly wide variation in typical cross-section. No specific specimen will look exactly like the pictures published. A sufficient number of fibers should be examined to cover the range of appearance in any specimen.
2.4 Successful identification of fibers depends upon experience and familiarity with the fibers. The identification of an unknown fiber is best madç by comparison with properly identified fibers used as reference standards. For this reason it is desirable to have available at least one representative fiber sample from each generic class of fibers, which can be used for comparative identification.
2.5 This test method provides means for identifying the generic classification of the common fiber types. In special cases, as when dealing with fibers not described in this method or attempting to distinguish between products of different suppliers of the same generic types, one must consult standard texts on fiber identification or technical bulletins issued by suppliers of man-made fibers. See references Section 13.
3. TerniinoIoy
3.1 For definitions of technical terms, refer to the Glossaiy of AATCC &andard Terminology in this ThCHNICAL MANUAL
4.1 Good laboratory practices should be followed. Wear safety glasses in all laboratory areas.
4.2 All chemicals should be handled with care.
4.3 In preparing, dispensing and handling the reagents outlined in Section 6, use chemical goggles or face shield, impervious gloves and an impervious apron. Concentrated acids should be handled only in an adequately ventilated laboratory hood. CAUTION: Always add acid to water.
4.4 All poisonous and flammable reagents should be mixed and handled only in an adequately ventilated laboratory hood. CAUTION: Acetone and ethyl alcohol are highly flammable and should be stored in the laboratory only in small containers away from heat, open flame and sparks.
4.5 An eyewasblsafety shower should be located nearby and an organic vapor respirator should be readily available for emergency use.
4.6 Exposure to chemicals used in this procedure must be controlled at or below levels set by governmental authorities (e.g., Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s [OSHA] permissible exposure limits [PEL] as found in 29 CFR 1910.1000 of January 1, 1989). In addition, the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) comprised of time weighted averages (TLV-TWA), short term exposure limits (TLV-STEL) and ceiling limits (TLV-C) are recommended as a general guide for air contaminant exposure which should be met (see 12.5).AATCC 20 pdf download.

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