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AATCC 186 pdf free download

AATCC 186 pdf free download.Weather Resistance: UV Light and Moisture Exposure.
5. Us ama Umabems
5.lIbc u.c of this piocedure is in. tended to sunubie die doratioii caied by the IIV energy in sunIigt and waler Lzposurcs arc mA intended to urnulate the detenorsuon cascd by k,cal. i7cd westher pbencimeaa, such as atmo spheric po1lion, bmlog)cal attack arid sak water cpo.ure.
52 Catio.s. iatio. in results may be czpcied whcn nperatmg canditrnns are varied within the accepted hmits of ii , s)JI be made to results from the use of ibis piocedure unle acconarncd by a report ciIing the specific opraung condit.oi* in conformance with the sacboo on Rcpomt
5.3 Results obtained from this pioce. dure n he used to conipere the rdaivc durability of mcnats subcci to the spccific test cycle uaal. Cinperison of results from spIIncm epo.ed in differiy of apperati should not be made
unless cEwrelat,00 has boon csaNidd wing dcces for the material to be tested. Variations in ruIu may be expcctcd when opcratang czmdit ions vary within the bnit.s of this procedure. Because of the variability n results obtained using this practcc and the v.riabihty m results ffn exterior cxposiuas. use of a snlc CCIal)OO factor that relates hours o(an accelerated exposure to a apecifec period of outdoor cxposiae is not roconwna*kd. Rca’c o(poasible vimnoes in rvsulti, no reference should be nude to results obtained from tests conducwd in the appara Iu*mg ibis proc& dure unless accompenicd by the inkimano. requited in the section on Rqoit
SA There are a number of factors that ny decrease the deee of corrcion beaccelerated tests — y
light accs and actual unc exponnes.
5.4.1 Diffcrcn in the apectral distributlon bccm the labuntoiy light ac and sumlighi.
5.42 Shatter than mmal wavelength exposures arc often used to obtain faster faihire rates In lthorai accelerated aposure tcst*. For ouldcor eponIres. the cut-on fior shoit wavelength L’V radiation is generally coesiducd to be 300 iun. Fz. jxasues to UV radiation of wavelengths l than 300 mn, may produce dcgradanon reactions, which do not occur when die maicrel is used outdoors.
8. Test Cycle Determination 8.1The test cyele is best determined by the influencing factors of the end use, in particular, the climatic conditions. Not all materials are affected equally by the same environment. Results obtained by the use of any one test cycle may not be representative of those of any other test cycles or any outdoor weathering test. Any acceleration factor derived for one geographic location does not necessarily apply to any other gcographic location. However, certain test cycles are sug- gested  group similar climates with re- spect to the test cycle. 8.2 The nature of the test material con- tributes to the selection of the appropriate test cycle with respect to UV exposure, wetting, wet time and temperature. The following test cycles options have been used for textile materials.
10. Procedure 10.1 Maintain and calibrate the appara- tus in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. 10.2 Before beginning the exposure test, bring all specimens, control and test, to moisture equilibrium in the atmo- sphere for testing textiles in accordance with ASTM D 1776, Standard Practice for Conditioning and Testing Textiles. Equilibrium is considered to have been reached when the increase in mass of the specimen in successive weightings made at intervals of not less than 2 h does not exceed 0.1% of the mass of the specimcn. Perform any necessary tests or evalua= tions necessary to establish a base line for comparing the unexposed specimens to the exposed specimens.AATCC 186 pdf download.

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