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AWS D16.2M-D16.2 pdf free download

AWS D16.2M-D16.2 pdf free download.Guide for Components of Robotic and Automatic Arc Welding Installations.
5. Arc Welding Torches and Accessories
5.1 Overview. This clause outlines the basic design and requirements for GMAW and FCAW torches used with robotic and automatic welding equipment.
5.2 Torch Design Details
5.2.1 Style. The welding torch size, style, and design should allow access to the weldment. The torch may be either air or liquid cooled, curved or straight, and should provide proper access and position relative to the weld joint.
5.2.2 Weight. The combined weight of the welding torch and other mounted components should not exceed the design limit as specified by the manufacturer for the welding manipulator.
5.2.3 Insulation. The exposed surfaces of the welding torch should be electrically isolated from the welding circuit. Such surfaces include the gas nozzle, torch body, and any other exposed surface not intended to carry welding current.
5.2.4 Mounting. Provisions for mounting the torch should be such that the tool center point (TCP) does not deviate from the system repeatability requirements.
5.2.5 Utilities. Utilities consist of shielding gas, coolant, current, and other commodities required for the process. All utility connections should he designed to aid proper installation (for example color coding. labeling, or variation of fitting size).
Cables and hoses should be of adequate length and flexibility so as not to restrict the movement of the manipulator or the supply of the utilities. Coiling of cables should be avoided to prevent induccd noise, inductance, or voltage.
Utility cables should he supported with a counter balance or strain relief system to prevent excessive stress at connection points. Utility cables should be routed for protection, e.g., trays or racks.
5.2.6 Current Rating. All torches should meet NEMA EW-3, Se,niauromcaic Wire Feed Systems jbr Arc Welding Electrode Feeding Equipment. Torch specifications are typically based on 100% CO2 gas. For gases other than 100% CO, the current rating should he rated in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications to meet continuous duty requirements.
5.2.7 Repeatability. Torches should be designed so maintenance minimizes the change of the electrode posilion with respect to the manipulator’s tool center point (TCP). Part replacement should not change the electrode posit ion.
5.3 Torch Holder I)etails
5.3.1 Mounting to Manipulator. The torch holder should have the proper mounting pattern or adapter to achieve a secure mounting.
5.3.2 Torch Attachment to Holder The torch holder should provide electrical isolation between the torch and the manipulator end effector. The torch holder should provide alignment capability of the torch. The torch holder should be mechanically rigid to withstand a collision. The torch holder should he able to accept the torch specified for the welding application.
5.4 Collision Protection Device
5.4.1 When a torch collision occurs, the collision protection/detection device should provide an electrical signal to the system controller.
5.4.2 The collision protection device should reposition the weld gun, after collision, to the original TCP to within ±0.13 mm I0.tX)5 ml. TCP Maintenance. There are a number of methods available for measuring and maintaining TCP alignment. These methods consist of two major cate- gories: Physical measurement/mechanical adjustment and TCP measurement/redefinition via software.AWS D16.2M-D16.2 pdf download.

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