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AWS QC17 pdf free download

AWS QC17 pdf free download.AWS Accreditation of Certified Welding Fabricators.
4. Functions
4.1 The Certified Welding Fabricator (CWF) is a fabricator who has complied with this standard and has been granted a certificate by AWS.
4.2 The AWS CWF shall operate an internal quality program, in accordance with a Quality Manual, meeting (he requirements of AWS B5. 1 7, Specification for the Qualification of Welding Fabricators.
5. Application
5.1 Copies of the application to become a CWF and the Quality Manual & Audit Checklist will be provided to the applicant along with this standard.
5.2 An application for accreditation shall be completed and submitted to AWS. The application must specify which nationally or internationally recognized code(s) or specitications the welding fabricator’s quality manual encompasses, as specified in AWS B5. 17.
5.2.1 AWS Certification Department will review and accept (if permissible) applications requesting the use of other codes and specifications not published by AWS.
5.2.2 The fabricator shall include a copy of their quality manual with the application.
5.3 After the auditor has reviewed the fabricator’s qualiy manual and application for accreditation, the auditor shall notify the fabricator and AWS as to the date of the audit.
6. Audit Requirements
6.1 Objectives. An audit establishes whether or not the welding fabricator complies with the accreditation criteria. Auditors may provide advice in responses to questions or on the basis of observations to provide help to improve the welding fabricator’s potential of being in compliance. The AWS auditor shall not be the same individual or entity providing consulting services to the applicant seeking certilication as an AWS Certified Welding Fabricator.
6.2 Agency. The AWS auditor will perform the on-site audit. All personnel conducting audits will be properly trained and qualified by AWS.
6.3 Opening Meeting. An opening meeting shall he held at the fabricator’s location with key personnel. The auditor shall discuss the following at the opening meeting:
(I) The objectives as stated in 6. 1.
(2) The steps of the audit.
(a) Opening meeting
(b) Quality manual review
(C) Shop review, observations of operations specified within the fabricator’s quality manual
(d) Closing meeting
(3) All information seen and discussed and the outcome of the audit shall be confidential.
6.4 Quality Manual Review. The auditor shall review the quality manual with the fabricator. The auditors review shall he documented on the Quality Manual & Audit Checklist.
6.5 Shop Re’iew. Auditors are given a Quality Manual & Audit Checklist to follow in performing an audit. The checklist is intended to ensure that audits are conducted uniformly and completely as possible while verifying the implementation of the quality manual.
6.6 Closing Meeting
6.6.1 At the conclusion of an audit, the auditor shall review the Quality Manual & Audit Checklist with the fabricator, identifying all nonconformances that must be corrected before the auditor can recommend certification. Nonconformances caii be corrected at the time of the audit.
6.6.2 Nonconformances that cannot be corrected at the time of the audit shall be noted on the nonconformance report form. Nonconformances shall be corrected within 30 days of the date of the closing meeting. The nonconformance report (NCR). listing the corrective action resolution, will be forwarded to the AWS Certification Department by the auditor. The NCR may be reviewed upon any subsequent audit. All nonconformances, including those corrected at the time of audit, shall be included in the auditor’s final Audit Report.
6.6.3 The auditor shall inform the fabricator of the audit recommendation that will be presented to the AWS Certification Department, which makes the final decision on certification. The auditor recommendation can be one of the following:
(1) Recommend certification
(2) Recommend certification, pending NCRs are corrected and resolved
(3) Follow-up audit required
(4) Failed audit (would need to reapply)
6.6.4 The auditor shall review with the fabricator the appeals procedure in accordance with Clause 8 of this standard.AWS QC17 pdf download.

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