Home>AWS standards pdf>AWS D1.9-D1.9M pdf free download

AWS D1.9-D1.9M pdf free download

AWS D1.9-D1.9M pdf free download.Structural Welding Code一 Titanium.
1.34 OrIginal I:quipint 1anufiwturer (WM. A singk Concr.ictor that aunws some or all of thc respimsebilaucs as’igncid by thu aide So the Engim’cr.
1.33 Inspector. An individual responsible for verification that work is pciformcd in accordance with the Inspection and quality requirements o( this code. When the inspeilew category f as defined below) is unspeificd. the rc.ponibilit.cs and requirements hll apply equally within the limit’ of responsibility descrihed in 5.1.1.
1.33.1 Contractor’s Inspector. An inspector iing for. id in behalf of. the Conwactor on all matters within the scope of this code and applicable contri d04.-umclns. cn&aSIon Inspector. The duly dcsign.itcd person ho acts (or, and in hehaif ot. the Owner on all inspeclion and quality matters designated by the Eiiginccr
1.3.6 (‘ode Terms ‘Shall,”‘Should,” and ‘Ma.”‘ShalI.” shonld..” and ‘nuy” base the following significance:
13.6.1 Shall. Code pros iüuns that uc ‘i1iall’ arc inamiJtLIy unless spciificall) modified ifl cu.urict kumcn1%
13.6.2 Shuuld. The uni hi*iIir i,. uJ in reixwnnd prJctace% thai are iskkrcsl heflef,cLl.l. t,ut are nut requirements. %lay. The wd ‘may in a peol1’bion ulliiws the uc of iipiitwi.iI procedures or pracOce that can he used as n atTertiatist w su;plern4ri( to cexk reqizfrements.
13.7 KalIktk I Aaa,dII. Ksllk*.c loid arc the combination or fon,cs transferred in the structure by a halhsl)c event.
1.3$ Inspection (ia’ars. The following insietion classiticalionb shall bcieddcd to the welding symhol or elsewhere on the draini The ac ptamccriscra for cacti type of inpection cLe’..’ificatnwi are defined in (iau’c 5 (1as A. All cdkaHy loaded and statically loaded structures requiring inspection cntcna greater than those
4)tUb%% 11. This class is not applicable to Anncii A ha1lktially 1oidcd weklpornts. (lass II. Sratical1’ 141adCd structures This class is nut ippIicihk tei Annc . .iI] liaakd weld joints. (1am C. H.illistalls kiadcd structurcs This chss ut vckis aphc to joints ihh h.asr been ksivicd to withstand ,a Ral1istic threat in structures that arc used in military 4pplication%.
Any point requiring additional inspection requirements shall be identified on the drawings.
13.10 ‘ c1dlnj Operator. One ho lJperaLc% .aeLaptic c 1trtlaurtmaIiç nhxhaniicd1ts, rubotac .scldiiig equipmcnc
1.4 Responsibilities
1.4.1 Knglnccr’s kvspiIn4JbUlIks. The Fnincer shall he responsible fur the dewkipncnt of the contrail documents that osrm pnwiucis o structural asscn*,lies pruduccd under the ck. The Enginecr may add to. delete from. it otherwise modif,, the requirements of die code to meet the particular requirements of a specific structure. All requirements th.it flN*Iif the Code sti.iIl he incorporated IntLa curnract docunients,
The Engineer Jiall specify in contract ducunwnts. as rieccsary. arid as applicable, the following:
(I) Code requirena’iwe that arc 2pplicahk italy when specified by the F.nghieet.
(2) All additonal NI)T that is not specifically akkesscd in the code.
(3) Verification inspection.
i4 ‘.eW acceptance cntena other than that specified in Clause 5.
(5) Lctel of inspection—Class A. H. or C and the pplic-ability of Annci A.
(6) All dditiona1 requirements that arc nut specifically addressed in the ctxk. Contractor Inspection. Contractor inspection shall be supplied by the Contractor and shall be performed as necessary to ensure that materials and workmanship meet the requirements of the contract documents. Verification Inspection. The Engineer shall determine if Verification Inspection shall be performed. Respon- sibilitics for Verification Inspection shall be established between the Engineer and the Verification Inspector.AWS D1.9-D1.9M pdf download.

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