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AWS D18.1∕D18.1M pdf free download

AWS D18.1∕D18.1M pdf free download.Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steel Tube and Pipe Systems in Sanitary (Hygienic) Applications.
3. Terms and Definitions
The terms listed are used in various sections of this document and require definition for correct interpretation. Most of these terms are not contained in AWS A3.O. Standard Welding Terms and Definitions, or if they are listed in AWS A3.O. their definitions have been enhanced to clarify (heir use in this document.
automatic welding. Welding with equipment that requires only occasional or no observation of (he welding, and flO manual adjustment of the equipment controls.
discoloratioii. Any change in surface color from that of the base metal, usually associated with oxidation. Discoloration may occur on the weld, heat-affected zone, or base metal of the weld joint such as a result of heating the metal during welding. Colors may range from pale bluish-gray to deep blue, and from pale straw color to a black crusty coating.
fabricator. Includes contractors, subcontractors, erectors, or any organizations that produce weidments that are intended to meet the requirements of this specification.
heat tint. A nonstandard term for discoloration.
mechanized elding. Welding with equipment that requires manual adjustment of the equipment controls in response to visual observation of the welding, with the torch, gun. or electrode holder held by a mechanical device.
nonproduct contact surface. An exposed surface other than a product contact surface.
orbital welding. Automatic or mechanized welding of tube or pipe in which a welding arc rotates (orbits) around a stationary weld joint.
Owner. Organization that will operate the sanitary (hygienic) processing system. or the organization’s authorized representative.
pit. A surface discontinuity the depth of which exceeds 25% of the smallest surface dimension, and whose length does not exceed three (3) times its width.
product contact surface. Any surface that is exposed to the product or any surface from which materials may drain, drop, or be drawn into the product.
qualification variable. A variable in which a change beyond that described in 4.1.7, Welding Variables, is considered to affect the mechanical properties of the weidment, and shall require requalification of the Welding Procedure Specification (WPS). Previously termed “essential variable.”
sanitary (hygienic) applications. Those applications where the metal surface condition is such that ii can he cleaned to meet the requirements of products consumed or used by humans or animals, which require freedom from con lami nation.
termination. Completion point of a weld pass. Other terms commonly used are tail off, slope down (also called downslope), sign oft’, and feather out.
verification test (procedure). A sample weidmeni intended to confirm that a WPS revision to a verification variable meets the requiremerns of 6.2, Visual Examination Acceptance Criteria.
4. Qualification
4.1 Procedure Qualification
4.1.1 A written qualified Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) shall he followed for each weld in sanitary applications. The welding procedure specification may be in any convenient ftrinat provided all welding procedure specification data required by this document and applicable sections of AWS B2. I, Specification for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification. are addressed.
4.1.2 Standard welding procedure specifications, welding procedures qualified to AWS B2.l, or earlier editions of this document. may be used provided all data required by the latest edition of this document and AWS B2. I. are addressed and a successful documented verification test to ensure the visual examination criteria of the document can he achieved.
4.1.3 The welding procedure specification data required to be addressed fir each procedure shall be those specified in
4.1.6 in addition to those listed in AWS H2. 1, Specification for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification.
4.1.4 The evaluation of procedure qualification test weldments shall be as listed in through The actual welding variables used during the qualification tests shall be recorded in addition to the results of the destructive and visual examination. The welding procedure qualification record may he in any convenient format provided all the applicable welding variables of AWS B2. I Specification for Welding Procedure ciiicl Performance Qualification, and 4.1.6 and 4.1.7. and the results of all tests are recorded.AWS D18.1∕D18.1M  pdf download.

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