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AWS B5.4 pdf free download

AWS B5.4 pdf free download.Qualification of Welder Test Facilities.
5. Test Facility Requirements
5.1 General Requirements. The test facility shall have the following:
(1) An organizational structure, including a quality control program. that enables it to maintain the capability to perftrm satisfactorily the technical functions for which qualification is sought.
(2) The ability to demonstrate on request from assessors, that it is capable of administering and evaluating the required welder qualitcation tests.
(3) A written company policy that staff members shall have the freedom and authority to identify problems to a supervisor.
(4) An organization in which each staff member is aware of both the extent and limitation of areas of responsibility, and a clear designation of who is the “facility representative.”
(5) A facility representative who has the overall responsibility for the technical operation of the test facility.
(6) Adequate security rules and measures for protection of proprietary and confidential information.
(7) Personnel having responsibility for quality verification shall be designated by the test facility management. Personnel shall have access to top management.
5.2 Quality Control Program. The test facility shall operate under a Quality Control Program appropriate to the type, range, and volume of work performed. This program shall be documented in a Quality Control Manual to he used by the test facility staff for the purpose of maintaining quality control. The manual shall be maintained current at all times, and shall be available for review by both internal and external assessors.
5.2.1 Manual. The Quality Control Manual shall contain information regarding the following:
(1) Company Quality Policy.
(2) The organizational structure of the personnel of the test facility (organizational charts).
(3) The operational and functional duties of individuals performing quality functions and services pertaining to quality, so that those concerned will know the extent and limits of their responsibilities (job descriptions).
(4) General Quality Control Procedures. (These procedures are to include hut not be limited to material traceability, employee training, employee qualifications, purchasing, order review, etc.)
(5) Quality Control Procedures specific for each inspection or test including welding procedure specifications (WPSs), as appropriate.
(6) Procedures for equipment maintenance and calibration.
5.3.2 Staffing. The proportion of supervisory to non- supervisory staff shall be such as to ensure adequate supervision. Suitable staff, designated as alternates, shall be available to handle the work of the senior technical and quality system managers in their absence. Information on the relevant qualifIcation, training, and experience of the technical staff shall he maintained by the test facility.
5.4 Welding Equipment
5.4.1 Welding equipment to be used for qualification of welders shall he located at the test facility or controlled under the provisions of this specification. The equipment shall be designed for the process to be used and shall he capable of providing the full range of variables specified in the welding procedure specifications (WPSs).
5.4.2 Equipment shall be maintained in such a manner so as to provide steady electrical or mechanical characteristics required for successful welding of the test assemblies. Machine controls to change or adjust parameters shall be fully operational.
5.4.3 Upon agreement between the welder and the test facility, the welder may provide personal torches, tools, or other related welding equipment.AWS B5.4 pdf download.

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