Home>AWS standards pdf>AWS D18.3/D18.3M pdf free download

AWS D18.3/D18.3M pdf free download

AWS D18.3/D18.3M pdf free download.Welding of Tanks, Vessels, and Other Equipment in Sanitary (Hygienic) Applications.
product contact surface (PUS). Any surface that is exposed o the product or any surface froni which materials may drain, drop, or be drawn into the product.
qualification varial)le (performance). A variable in which a change beyond that described in 4.2.8 is considered to affect the ability of the welder or welding operator to make an acceptable weld. (Previously referred to as essential variable.)
qualification ariahlc Iprocedure), A variable in which a change beyond that described in 4.1.6 is considered to affect the mechanical properties of the weldment. and shall require requalification of the Welding Procedure Specification (WPS). (Previously referred to as essential variable.)
surface classification zones.
Zone I: Product Contact Surface (PCS)
Zone 2: Non-Product Contact Surface—Exposed (NPCS-E)—beyond the normal PCS where normal operations (i.e., draining, filling, etc.) pose a significant risk of incidental contamination.
Zone 3: Non-Product Contact Surface—Remote (NPCS-R)——remotely beyond the normal PCS where normal operations (i.e.. draining, tilling. etc.) pose a minimal risk of incidental contamination.
Zone 4: Non-Exposed Surface (NES) with significantly reduced likelihxd of resulting in product contamination. The surface classification zone(s) will be based on the zone(s) encountered in production (see Figure 1).
verification test (performance). A sample weldmeni representative of production welding conditions, intended to confirm the welder’s or welding operators ability to meet the visual inspection requirements of visual examination acceptance criteria in 6.2.
verification variable, A vailahlc in hich a clianc as dccribcd iv 4. 1 .( may jc cvi the cid t’iom meeting the acceptance criteria in 6.2.
weld finishing. A postweld process that leaves the weld area in a different condition than as welded. Finishing processes include, but are not limited to, mechanical (e.g., grinding, polishing, bead blasting), chemical (passivating or pickling). or electrocheinical (electropolishing).
welding variable. Any controllable detail of a welding procedure which is required to be addressed on the WPS. (Includes the definitions previously referred to as essential and nonessential variables.)
4. Qualification
4.1 Procedure Qualification
4.1.1 A written qualified WPS shall be followed for each weld in sanitary applications. The WI’S may he in any convenient format provided all the welding variables of 4.1. are recorded. A sample WPS form is shown in Annex fl.
4.1.2 Standard Welding Procedure Specifications (SWPSs) and welding procedures qualified to AWS B2. l/B2. IM or earlier editions of this document may he used provided all data required h) the latest edition of this document and AWS B2.l/B2.IM are addressed, and a successful documented verification test is performed to ensure the visual examination criteria of the document are met.
4.1. The welding variables required to be addressed for each procedure shall be those specified in 4.l..
4.1.4 The evaluation of procedure qualification test weldments shall he as listed in 4.14.1 through The actual welding variables used during the qualification tests shall be recorded in addition to the results of the destructive and visual examination. The welding Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) may be in any convenient fonnat provided all the welding variables of 4.1 . and the results of all tests are recorded. The procedure qualification shall be by standard test weldment as required in AWS B2.1/B2.IM. Specification for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification except that the additional variables of 4. I . apply. The procedure qualification test weldments shall be visually examined on all surfaces.AWS D18.3/D18.3M pdf download.

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