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AWS B1.11M/B1.11 pdf free download

AWS B1.11M/B1.11 pdf free download.Visuall Examination of Welds.
2. Normative References
The standards listed below contain provisions which, through reference in this text. constitute mandatory provisions of this AWS standard. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced standard shall apply. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply.
AWS I)ocumcnts
AWS A2.4. Siandard Svmbol.c for Welding. Brazing. and Nondesiruciive Evaininaiion
AWS A3.OMJA3.O, Standard Welding 1’riii.s and Definitions, Including Terms for Adhesii’e Bonding. Brazing. Soldering. Thermal Cutting, and Thermal Spraying
3. Qualification of Examination Personnel
3.1 Gencral. Individuals assigned the task of performing formal visual examinations should be qualified. The three elements of qualification may include education, training, and experience. Since visual examination requires the ability to see small discontinuities or imperfections, good visual acuity is also desirable.
3.2 Visual Acuity. The individual should have sufficient visual acuity to perform an adequate examination. Consideration should be given to sufficient near and far vision with natural or corrected vision. A documented periodic visual acuity examination is a requirement of many codes and specifications, and is generally considered good practice.
3.3 Iquipnwnt. Visual examination may require (he use of special tools or equipment. The tools or equipment depend upon the application and the degree of accuracy required. Some tools may need to be calibrated prior to use. Although this guide presents an outline of visual examination aids, there are many different concepts and other variations of equipment. As a general rule, those tools should be used that: (1) comply with the project requirements. (2) are adequate for the intended accuracy. and (3) satisfy the need of the examination.
3.4 Experience and Training. The visual examiner should have sufficient knowledge and skill to perform the examinahon successfully and meaningfully. Knowledge and skill can be imparted or obtained through the educational and training processes. Either iiicthod can be performed in a classrooni or on the job. The variety of methods and processes of imparting or obtaining knowledge and skill are many. hut the art of good judgment does not always come easily or readily. Sufficient time should be allowed thr individuals to properly grasp key points pertaining to the following:
(I ) joint preparation. (2) welding preheat. (3) interpass temperature, (4) weldment distortion. (5) welding consumables, (6) base materials, and (7) workmanship standards.
3.5 Procedures. Development of standard or specialized procedures covering examination methodology and acceptance criteria produces consistent and accurate results. Such procedures are normally prepared by the employer and typically consist of detailed instructions that interrelate the various fabrication processes. the customer’s detailed requirements. and examination criteria. Items such as who performs an examination, when to perform an examination, how to perform an examination, and where to perform an examination are typically included in the procedure. As a minimum the standard procedures should include the following: workmanship standards, check lists, and examination equipment requirenlents.
When written procedures are not available, examiners may be asked to work directly with relevant codes and specifications.
3.6 Certification Programs. fo provide assurance that visual examiners are qualified it may be desirable to have visual examination personnel formally certified. Contract documents, fabrication standards, or regulatory agencies may require special qualifications for visual examiners. Several standards developers offer certification programs for visual examiners such as AWS QC I, Sia,idarcl for Cerrificulion of Welding Inspeciors.
4. Fundamentals of Visual Examination
4.1 General. Visual examination reveals surface discontinuities and is a valuable method for evaluating weld quality. It is a simple, accessible, low cost examination method, hut it requires a trained examiner. Additionally. it can be an excellent process control tool to help avoid subsequent fabrication problems and improve workmanship.
Visual examination only identifies surface discontinuities. Consequently. any conscientious quality control program should include a sequence of examinations perk)rmed during all phases of fabrication. An examination plan should establish hold/witness points that allow for visual examination prior to subsequent operations.AWS B1.11M/B1.11 pdf download.

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