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AWS A5.14/A5.14M pdf free download

AWS A5.14/A5.14M pdf free download.Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Electrodes and Rods.
5. Certification
By aftixing the AWS Specification and Classification designations to the packaging. or the classification to the product, the manufacturer certifies that the product meets the requirements of this specification.2
6. Rounding Procedure
For the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements of this standard, the actual test values ol,tained shall he subjected to the munding rules of ASTM E29 or Rule B.3 of ISO 800(K)-I (the results are the same). If the measured values are ohia med by equipment calibrated iii units other than those of the sped! led limit, the measured values shall be converted to the units of the specified limit before rounding. If an average value is to be compared to the specified limit, rounding shall he done only af icr calculating the average. An observed or calculated value shall be rounded to the nearest unit in the last right-hand place of figures used in expressing the limiting value.s for other quantities. The rounded results shallfislf ill the requirements for the classification timider test.
7. Summary of Tests
Chemical analysis of the filler metal, or the stock from which it was made, is the only test required for classification of a product under this specification.
8. Retest
If the results of any test fail to meet the requirement of that test, that test shall he repeated twice. The results of both retesis shall meet the requirement. Material for retest may he taken from the original test sample or from a new sample. Retest need he only for those specific elements that failed to meet the test requirement.
If the results of one or both retests fail to meet the requirement, the material under test shall he considered as not meeting the requirements of this specification lr that classification.
In the event that, during preparation or after completion of any test, it is clearly determined that prescribed or proper procedures were not followed in preparing test specimen(s) or in conducting the test, the test shall be considered invalid, without regard to whether the test was actually completed, or whether test results met, or failed to meet, the requirement. That test shall be repeated, following proper prescribed procedures. In this case, the requirement for doubling of the number of test specimens does not apply.
9. Chemical Analysis
9.1 A sample of the tiller metal, or the stock from which it was made, shall be prepared for chemical analysis.
9.2 The sample shall he analyzed by accepted analytical methods. The referee method shall be ASTM E1473, supplemented by ASTM El 019 and ASTM E354 for nickel-base alloys, and ASTM E76 for nickel-copper alloys, as appropriate.
9.3 The results of the analysis shall meet the requirements set forth in Table 1, for the classification of tiller metal under test.
10. Method of Manufacture
The filler metals classified according to this specification may he made by any method that will produce material that meets the requirements of this specification.
2 See Annex Clause A4 for further information concerning certification and the testing called for to meet this requirement.AWS A5.14/A5.14M pdf download.

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