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AWS C3.3 pdf free download

AWS C3.3 pdf free download.Design, Manufacture, and Examination of Critical Brazed Components.
4.2 Form. Brazing filler metals are available in several different physical shapes and sizes that should be specified by the user as follows:
(1) Wire: Diameter, length. and dimensions of the formed shapes; temper, if for use in automatic feeding equipment:
(2) Foil: Thickness, width, and length; temper, if 11r use in automatic feeding equipment:
(3) Powder: Particle size or size distribution, or both;
(4) Paste: Binder type and percentage, and powder particle size;
(5) Plasticized rape. Thickness, width, percent density. and binder type:
(6) Brazing sheet: Cladding thickness and composilion; and
(7) Plating: Electrolytic or electrolcss. and thickness.
4.3 Fluxes. For information on fluxes, refer to AWS
A5.3 1, Specification for Fluxes for Brazing and Braze
4.4 Packaging and Storage. The methods of packaging to prevent contamination or the loss of identification should be specified. Storage conditions and shelf life should be specified, when appropriate.
4.5 Identification. Procedures should be established to maintain the integrity of the identification of materials during use.
5. Design
5.1 Basic Considerations. Reliability requires deliberate steps during the design phase to assure the effective control of quality. Quality control procedures must not be afterthoughts that are specified once the design is finalized, they should be developed concurrently with the design and verified as appropriate. Consideration should he given to the practical aspects of brazing, the characteristics of the filler and base materials involved, and the limitations of the inspection procedures.
The requirements of the brazing and inspection operations should be given equal weight. For example, the completed assembly may not provide accessibility for the inspection of each joint: therefore, the step brazing of various suhassemblies may he necessary to permit inspection at intermediate stages and should be considered during the design of the component.
Designs for critical brazed components should be conservative and assure that the joints are inspected in the condition in which they will enter service. The design activity should consider the items listed below to ensure that the final brazed component is suitable for the intended critical service.
5.2 Qualification of Brazers and Processes. While destructive qualification tests of sample joints or specimens are useful to demonstrate the ability of processes and operators to produce the required joints, they do not in themselves assure the quality of the components produced. Qualification procedures should not be used as a substitute for inspection and nondestructive exam i nation procedures that directly indicate the quality of the actual hardware to be used in service. For further information, see AWS B2.2, Standard for Bracing Procedure and Performance Qualification.
5.3 Application. The design activity is responsible for deciding which products and which brazed joints in these products are critical.
These recommended practices are neither a general brazing specification nor an inspection specification. Because of the great diversity of brazed joints, one universal set of criteria cannot apply to all specific cases. The basic premise of these recommended practices is that each component having critical brazed joints should he completely defined by an engineering drawing and pertinent specifications.
5.4 Documentation. Critical components should be controlled by documents specifying the following:
(I) The materials required and their minimum acceptable properties;
(2) The complete design configuration and the dimensions of the product:
(3) All required factors controlling the manufacture, including facilities, equipment, and detailed work instructions, must be specified so that no important factors are left to the discretion of persons involved in the fabrication (e.g., specific detail dimensions and tolerances or techniques that control braze joint clearances, or the locations and resulting accessibility for the inspection of pipe joints in complex plumbing systems);AWS C3.3 pdf download.

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