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AWS F2.3M pdf free download

AWS F2.3M pdf free download.Specification for Use and Performance of Transparent Welding Curtains and Screens.
luminous transmittance (T1). The fraction of light (380 nm to 780 nm) passing through a medium weighted by its abil Ity to cause visual sensations. The Cll Illurninant A light source and the CIE 1931 Standard Calorimetric Observer shall be used to determine this value (see iSO 116641 and ISO 11664 2).
may. The ue of the term may Is ustd to indicaw provisions that shall be permitted. mounting frame. The device that holds the curtain or screen in place.
radladon. The energy of electromagnetic waves produced by the movement of molecules or electrons excited by an electric rc discharge, or gas flame, or the passage of an electric ctxrent. Two kinds of radiant energy are pertinent to this standard: ultraviolet and visible light.
spectrophoometer. An instrument for determining differences In lIght spectral properties (e.g.. spectral transmission) between Increments of the spectrum.
transparent welding curtain or screen. A wcldIn curtain or screen having a luminous transmittance of at least 1.096 and whkb permits visibility of the welder and/or welding operation. The curtain or screen may have a surface finish. or be pigmented. to allow for obscuration of details in the work area, or may exhibit no such obscuration, Transparent welding curtains or screens are not primary eye protectors. and shall not replace the use of welding goggles, welding 1sor. welding safety lenses, or other appropriate eye protective devices.
ultraviolet radiation. Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths from 190 nm to at least 380 nm visible radiation. Electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths from 380 nm to 780 nm
welding curtain/screen. A flexible cloth or plastic film, or laminate, designed to protect bystanders Irom haiartlous optical radiation from welding arcs, or spaUer. These are not transparent, but may have a transparent window.
welding filter. A filter that attenuates varying proportions of ultraviolet, visible, and Infrared radiation.
4. Compliance
4.1 Performance Requirements. Vhen reference Is made to this standard for statement(s) of compliance with the standard. such statement(s) of compliance must include all performance requirements In their entirety.
4.2 VariatIons. Variations from the requirements of this standard may be granted by the authority having Jurisdiction only when it k demonstrated to the satIsfaction of the administrative agency that equivalent or superior protection is afforded.
5. General Requirements
This standard sets minimal performance requirements In the tests herein described. It Is not Intended to Imply equality of performance or of other factors of design. such as comfort, service life, or appearance of the protectors covered, except as required by (he tests called out. Nor should these requirements be interpieted to mean that transparent welding curtains or screens described herein are capable of affording greater protection than Is specified In this standard.
6. Requirements for the Use of Transparent Welding Curtains/Screens
6.1 PreventIon of Injuries. Protection as specified by this standard shall be required in hazardous environments where injirles can be prevented by the use of these devices.
62 Hazardous Erwironmcrn. No person shall knowingly be subjected to such hdous environments without protection.
6.3 Protectors. In the above-described situations, employers, educators, or other authorities shall make readily available a type of protector suitable fat the work to be performed, and exposed persons shall use such protectors.
6.4 Adequate Proection. Triiisparent welding cnrtaln.s and screens shall provide adequate protection against the hazards defined (see Clause 3).AWS F2.3M  pdf download.

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