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AWS A5.8M/A5.8 pdf free download

AWS A5.8M/A5.8 pdf free download.Brazing and Braze Welding.
6. Rounding Procedure
For purposes of determining compliance with the requirements of this standard, the actual test values shall be subjected to the rounding rules ofA STM E29, Slant/arc! Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine con firniance with SpedfIcations, or Rule A in Clause B.3 of ISO 80000—I, Quantities and units Part I: General (the results are the same). If the measured values arc obtained by equipment calibrated in units other than those of the specified limit, the measured values shall be converted to the units of the specified limit before rounding. If an average value is to be compared to the specified limit, rounding shall be done only after calculating the average. The rounded results shall fulfill the requirements for the classification under test.
7. Summary of Tests
7.1 The tests required for each classification or product form are as follows:
Iii Chemical analysis of the brazing filler metal is required fhr all classifications.
(.21 A i;ic’lt cleanliness test and a spatter test are required for hra:ing fl/Icr in eta/s J1r vacuum service.
(. Sieve analysis is required for all powdered brazing filler metal.
(.41 A binder content test for transfer tape used in conjunction with powdered brazing filler metals is required.
7.2 The material for the preparation of test samples, the brazing and testing procedures to be employed, and the results required are specified in Clauses 9 through 13.
8. Retest
If the results of any test fiuil to meet the requirement, that test shall be repeated twice. The results of both retests shall meet the requirement. Samples for retest may be taken from the original sample or from one or two new samples. For chemical analysis, retest need be only for the specific elements that failed to meet the requirement.
If the results of one or both retests fail to meet the requirement, the material under test shall be considered as not meeting the requirements of this specification for that classification.
In the event that during the preparation or after the completion of any test it is clearly determined that prescribed or proper procedures were not followed in preparing the test sample(s) or in conducting the test, the test shall he considered invalid without regard to whether the test was actually completed or whether test results met or failed to meet the requirement. That test shall be repeated ensuring that proper prescribed procedures are followed. In this case, the requirement for doubling the number of test specimens does not apply.
9. Chemical Analysis
9.1 A sample of the braze filler metal or from the heat from which it is made shall he prepared for chemical a,ialcis. Filler metal ana1is’is samples can be selected at am’ point durimig the mnanuIiciuring operation provided ihere are no processes that alt er the Composition between mmielting and the_Il,, islied product.
For flux—coated or flux—cored materials, any flux core or flux coating s/ia/I he removed prior to amialvsis f if affects res jilts.
For clad materials, the braze alloy cladding shah he se’parate’lv analyzed.
For allovedtille’r nietal powdery, the samnple shall he taken acconliiii’ to ASTM B2 1 5, Stancicircl Practices/or Sc1mnJ)lin Metal Powdery, or equivalent as agreed l1j)O11 hetweemi the purcha.er cimici supplier
For blended composite Ill/er metal powders. anal ysis shall he as agreed upon between the purchaser and sUf)f)hiet
9.2 The sample shall be analyzed by accepted analytical methods, but the chemical analysis method and any essential reference standards shall be as agreed upon between the purchaser and supplier.
9.3 Appropriate analytical methods in the latest edition of’ the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Volume 03.05 — Analytical Che’mistrv/Or Metals, Ores, and Related Materials ‘nay be’ use’cl. Sped/ic element analysis recommendations are included in Annex C.
AWS A5.8M/A5.8 pdf download.

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